Welcome Jewish Students!


Dear New Students,

Welcome to Harvard Law School! On behalf of the Harvard Jewish Law Students’ Association (JLSA), we would like to congratulate you on joining the Harvard Law School (HLS) community. JLSA is a cultural, social, educational, and religious organization that reflects the varied interests of the Jewish student community of HLS.

JLSA organizes a wide variety of activities throughout the school year. Our annual events include a Law School Shabbat Dinner, a Bagel Brunch, and religious and social events that pertain to Jewish holidays. We also host many notable speakers, both from the Harvard community and elsewhere. Please visit our website at hlsorgs.com/jlsa to review our upcoming events, sign up for our weekly email newsletter, and learn more about our organization.

HLS is an amazing place with a vast array of incredible resources and opportunities. We have a great lineup of events and programming scheduled for the upcoming school year, and we look forward to meeting you. If you would like more information about JLSA or Jewish resources in the Cambridge area, please email us at jlsa@mail.law.harvard.edu.