PSW No Longer Taken With 1L Sections


According to Program Director for the First Year Course on Problems and Theories David Abrams, during this year’s Problem Solving Workshop, 1Ls did not take the course with their 1L sections. Instead, 1Ls were assigned to random groups that mixed up sections. Five person teams within each of the 7 PSWs were organized so that no two people were from the same 1L section.

This is the third year of the Problem Solving Workshop course; during its first two years, 1Ls took the course with their 1L sections. This year, however, 1Ls were mixed randomly because, according to Abrams, since 1L sections differ in the courses they take during their first semester, some section members were familiar with certain materials (e.g. torts) while others were not. Abrams said that by mixing up the composition of each Workshop group, groups are more realistic since each member of the team may have different expertise gained through a different set of 1L courses and the course problems are more relevant. The change also enhances the course by making it more realistic, Abrams said, since real world teams are often strangers at the start of a project.


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