People I Blame* For Trump

  1. The Republican establishment since 1960
  2. The media
  3. James Comey
  4. Minorities who voted for Trump[1]
  5. Democrats/liberals who didn’t vote
  6. Mark Zuckerberg
  7. Jill Stein voters
  8. Whites who voted for Trump
  9. Liberals who couldn’t stop labeling every Trump voter and/or white person a racist
  10. Liberals who didn’t call out the people in group 9

*The ordering is somewhat arbitrary, but I do mean to say that I saw each of these individuals/groups as but-for causes of Trump’s victory.

[1] A friend of mine would have replaced 4. with “Women who voted for Trump” (and I imagine 8. with “Men who voted for Trump”). I suppose that exposes our respective biases.