OPIA Statement on Bronx Defenders


Since its inception, the Bronx Defenders has served tens of thousands of indigent Bronx residents facing criminal charges, while also assisting community members with housing, family, child-custody, immigration, and school-related issues. Under the leadership of its Founder and Executive Director, Robin Steinberg, the Bronx Defenders has appropriately been nationally recognized for its efforts to address the very real problem of access to justice. It has played an instrumental role in training public defender offices across the country in its holistic model, and every year teaches committed new lawyers – including HLS graduates – to be superior client advocates.

While we abhor the violent implications of the video at the heart of this controversy, we support the hardworking, passionate Bronx attorneys who are continuing to provide exceptional criminal and civil legal assistance to those who need it most. And we remain inspired by Robin Steinberg and the Bronx Defenders’ efforts to challenge lawyers, lawmakers, community organizations and other stakeholders to think creatively about the provision of legal services to indigent clients, and to develop innovative solutions to complex problems — qualities HLS strives to instill in all of its students.

We look forward to continuing to watch our students and graduates grow as attorneys by contributing to the critically important and tireless work of the Bronx Defenders.


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