OCS Responds To Dewey Troubles


According to the Office of Career Services, a “handful” of Harvard Law students were affected by Dewey LeBoeuf’s recent financial difficulties, and OCS has contacted “several firms on behalf of our students to see if the firms could make room for an additional 2L or 3L.”

“During the past few weeks, we have reached out to all [the] 2Ls and 3Ls that we knew were going to Dewey,” Assistant Dean for Career Services Mark Weber said, “We have met with many of them to help them adjust, adapt, and respond to a very difficult and unfortunate situation at Dewey.”

“I am confident that when the dust settles all students impacted will have found other excellent opportunities,” Weber said.

According to Weber, 1Ls interested in learning more about how to evaluate potential employers’ financial situations should read the Evaluating Offers section of the OCS web site. “Even if you ask all the right questions, however,” Weber said, “There’s no guarantee that the person you’re asking is fully aware of the firm’s financial condition.”


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