Join The Record


    Enjoying the paper?  You might not recognize it, but The Harvard Law Record is the oldest law school-affiliated newspaper in the United States.  It’s an independent and nonpartisan paper that has been published since 1946.  And we’re looking for new team members!

    The Record publishes news and opinion pieces on all topics in and around Harvard Law School, ranging from the local issues of student life to the national and global issues of law and policy.  On a law school campus that already has an official news organization, Harvard Law Today, as well as ideological journals spanning the political spectrum, The Record serves two crucial roles.

    First, The Record provides a space for law students and professors to write investigate news stories that are not sanctioned by the law school administration.

    Second, The Record supplies a space for students, professors, and alumni to respectfully debate and discuss opinions spanning the entire political spectrum.  In this way we are able to engage in dialogue not subject to classroom limitations of time, subject matter, or abstraction.

    In furtherance of our second role, The Record has a relatively open publishing policy and is committed to publishing a multitude of views, so long as they are not harmful.  We humbly take instruction from Robert Jones, Jr. here: “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”  If you see an opinion piece you disagree with, we encourage you to submit a response for consideration — if it is well-written, respectful and interesting, it will likely be published.

    Want to write a piece?  Join the editing team?  Help with layout?  Contribute photography? Design a crossword?  The Record is looking for team members who are passionate about legal journalism.  To apply, send us a note at!

    The printed version of this article misidentified the originator of the quotation as James Baldwin, not Robert Jones, Jr.  The Record regrets the error.


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