How not to use email at your summer job



Something tells me you might find this correspondence amusing, eh Jonah?

> >>From : > >”Partner” > >To : > >”Hiring Partner” > >Subject : > >RE: how did the CFA go? > >Date : > >Mon, 2 Jun 2003 14:29:49 -0400 > > > >You probably did not get this-it went to a firmwide corporate > >distribution > >list. > > > >I thought they taught the summers how to use email?

> >>>>Dippy Summer 06/02/03 02:25PM >>> > >Congrats on the CFA. I’m sure you’re about to make VP any day now. > > > >I’m busy doing jack shit. Went to a nice 2hr sushi lunch today at > >Sushi > >Zen. > >Nice place. Spent the rest of the day typing emails and bullshitting > >with > >people. Unfortunately, I actually have work to do–I’m on some corp > >finance > >deal, under the global head of corp finance, which means I should > >really > >peruse these materials and not be a fuckup… > > > >So yeah, Corporate Love hasn’t worn off yet… But just give me > >time.. > > > >Dippy Summer> > > >Dippy Summer> >Summer Associate > >BigLaw > >Nice Offices> >New York, NY 10036-6522 > >OFFICE: (212) 555-3561 > >CELL: (571) 555-1582 > >FAX: (212) 555-2000 > >

> >>>>”Link, Melissa” 06/02/03 02:07PM >>> > >Hellooooo > >CFA was fine. It was actually easier than I expected it would be. > >I am > >so > >glad its over. One huge overhang removed, and a lot fewer index > >cards > >in my > >life. And the ability to do things like watch tv and see people. > >I was > >home for the whole week studying, and I realized that my parents > >are far > >too > >insane for something like that to ever happen again. Whats up with > >you? > >Are you still liking the job or has the fancy corporate euphoria > >worn > >off > >yet?