EDITORIAL: Darfur Action Group fights the good fight



The student led Darfur Action Group is to be commended for their efforts to bring light to the sad state of affairs currently taking place in Sudan. At a time when many students are worrying about 3L papers, graduation, or summer plans, this coalition of students organized a marvelous event that coincided with a national moment of silence aimed at drawing attention to the issue. The dedication to continuing these efforts beyond simply this single event-by organizing a week of events after spring break, by making a push to raise funds to bring aid to the region-is a wonderful model of how student action groups should function. Genocide is the most serious of crimes and this group of students is doing everything in its power to bring the gravity of the situation into the minds of the Harvard community.

Apart from the protests against the war in Iraq, the last time a student action group was this ambitious was a few years ago when students organized and fought for a living wage for Harvard custodial staff. In that case, the efforts eventually proved successful, after a series of events and protests staged and coordinated across the various campuses. While the goal was a local and practical one, the model of action is one that is rightfully being replicated here. Harvard students cannot directly stop the genocide-that will require the threat of military action and political wrangling-but they can make a big enough noise at one of the most influential campuses in the world with the aim that someone in power will listen.

Francis Bok, a former slave from South Sudan who spoke at the event, has come to the various Harvard campuses on numerous occasions over the past couple of years. His tireless efforts to bring attention to the crises occurring in his homeland stands as an example of why focusing attention on this region is so important. Mr. Bok fled the persecution and oppression he faced and, rather than leaving that difficult life completely behind, continues instead to share his story and remain active in the fight for peace. For Mr. Bok, and for the countless others who have not been so lucky and continue to live in fear, this is a struggle that deserves every bit of attention it can get.


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