Daniels, Wood Elected Editors of Business Law Review


The Harvard Business Law Review elected David Daniels, ’13 and Leonard Wood, ’13 as Editors-in-Chief.

Daniels and Wood said they plan “to make HBLR the most influential business law journal in the country.”  They plan to grow the online component of HBLR, into “a leading source of timely articles on important issues in business law” and “provide social and networking opportunities for journal members by developing partnerships with practitioners and sponsoring firms.”

Daniels is originally from British Columbia, Canada where he graduated first in his class from Simon Fraser University in 2010 with a joint major in Accounting, Finance, and Economics. While in law school, he has worked as a Research Associate for the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation and last summer interned at the SEC headquarters in Washington, D.C. This summer, he will be working at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett’s New York office.

Wood graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2000. Before law school, he completed a M.Phil. at Oxford University, a Ph.D. in the Harvard Department of History, and was a lecturer in the Harvard Department of Near Eastern Languages. He spent last summer interning in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, and he will be working this summer at the law firm of Vinson & Elkins.


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