At The Harvard Law Forum: Pastor Donna Hubbard and Carl Route on Building a Better Prison Re-entry System


Carl Route and Pastor Donna Lynne Hubbard are civic and religious leaders in Atlanta, Georgia. Formerly incarcerated citizens themselves, they are inspiring advocates for a better prison reentry system.

Route is the co-founder of both the National Association of Previous Prisoners, a community agency providing support for returning citizens, and the Young Fathers of Metro Atlanta, a community agency that provides fatherhood services to young Atlantans.

Pastor Hubbard is the founder of the Woman at the Well Transition Center, a non-profit ministry providing services to formerly incarcerated persons, and the author of the Parenting from Prison Project, an active program in many county jails around Atlanta.

On March 28, 2018, they came to Harvard Law School to share with students their experiences, insights, and wisdom from decades of prison reentry work.

The video is below: