Archive of Volumes 1-113 of The Record Now Available


The Harvard Law School library has digitized nearly all of the first 113 volumes of the Harvard Law Record, covering the first 55 years of the paper’s existence. The issues can be viewed here.

Highlights include:

Ralph Nader’s 1958 article The American Automobile: Designed for Death?, which became his best-selling book Unsafe at Any Speed

David F. Binder and Ralph Nader’s 1959 report on the Cuban Revolution, which included an exclusive interview with Fidel Castro

Eventual Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Rehnquist’s 1959 article The Making of a Supreme Court Justice

and more. If you find an article of historical importance or interest, please let us know by emailing editor[at]

Thanks to the Harvard Law School library staff for their work on this project.


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