A Message to 1Ls from HALB

Lutzow (Left) and Antono (Right)

Genevieve “Gennie” Antono and Trevor Lutzow are both 3Ls and the Co-Presidents of the Harvard Association for Law and Business (HALB). We interviewed Gennie and Trevor about their experience at HLS and asked them if they had any advice for the incoming class of 2023.

Q. What was your 1L year at HLS like?

Gennie: 1L was such a weird time for me. Especially 1L Fall. It was by no means a “bad” experience, but I definitely felt a little unmoored. I was struggling with a bit of impostor syndrome and was worried that I had peaked by getting into HLS. I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to get out of HLS.

The funny thing is that once I stopped stressing about what “gold stars” to collect, and gave up on trying to look like I have my life figured out, I really started thriving at HLS. I found a great group of friends and started investing my time and energy into unplanned projects that sparked joy, such as the HALB Leadership Podcast. Really glad I took that approach. Nowadays I’m just happy and living my best 3L life.

Trevor: I loved my 1L year (yes, really). I met 80 great people in my section, enjoyed my classes and professors (for the most part) and learned a ton. The vast majority of folks at HLS are incredibly kind — if not a little quiet — so putting yourself out there is surprisingly easy.

As a 1L, I was also fortunate enough to meet countless 2Ls and 3Ls, through HALB and other organizations, who helped make the 1L experience less intimidating They were there to answer my questions and provide me with school and life advice when I felt like I needed some.

Q. How did being in HALB change your HLS experience?

Gennie: I like to say that running HALB is a full-time job; in a typical year, the club runs 90+ events annually. Last year there were a few consecutive weeks where we had at least one event a day, every single day. It can be a lot. 

But here’s the beautiful thing: When you work at that level of intensity with the same group of people, you get to see who they truly are. And over time I’ve learned that my HALB teammates are genuinely lovely people whom I can rely on and confide in. 

For example, Trevor and I started as 1L Representatives together and we climbed up the ranks together. Fast forward to today, nearly two years later, and I can say that I wholeheartedly trust him and know him as someone who has my back and who always pushes me to be my best self.

Honestly I can’t imagine how my HLS experience would be without all my HALB friends. I adore all of them.

Trevor: I would say that, in many ways, HALB has helped define my HLS experience. Like any board member of HALB, I’ve had many opportunities to lead events and meet really interesting people, both within and outside of the legal profession.

Much more importantly, I would say that I’ve made wonderful friends in HALB. There are graduates from the classes of 2019 and 2020 with whom I am still very close with, and there are folks on the board this year with whom I’ve worked for three years. I really do believe that the most important thing that HLS provides its students with is lifelong friends, and HALB has been a huge part of that for me.

Q. What advice would you give the incoming 1Ls?

Trevor: Be yourself. I see so many people (myself included) who get to HLS and try to conform to the study habits, interests or life plans of other people they see. Instead, you should make friends, take the classes you want to take and prioritize the experiences that are important to you. Don’t get swept into conformity by people who appear to have it figured out; I promise you that they don’t.

Gennie: You were admitted into HLS because admissions saw a special spark in you. Now that you’re here, don’t put yourself into a certain mold just because you think that’s what will make you “successful.” Keep your spark, fight the current and be your best, most authentic self.


Genevieve Antono, class of 2021, is a third-year law student at HLS. She graduated magna cum laude from Columbia University in 2017 with a B.A. in Political Science. Prior to law school, Gennie worked as a Legal & Compliance Analyst for real estate private funds at The Blackstone Group and as an SEO Fellow at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. She spent both her 1L and 2L summers at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. She is also the Host of the HALB Leadership Podcast, which is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other major platforms.

Trevor Lutzow, class of 2021, is also a third-year law student at HLS. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in 2016 with a degree in Chemistry and Physics. Prior to law school, Trevor worked as a management consultant. He spent his 1L summer at the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and his 2L summer at Cravath, Swaine & Moore in New York.