New Year, New Goals, New Student Government




Welcome returning and new students! On behalf of the HLS Student Government, I’d like to convey our excitement for the year ahead. With a new board of directors and strengthened objectives, we’re confident that this year will be a successful and enjoyable one for all students at HLS.

As you may know, the Student Government works to improve student life and to facilitate communication between students, faculty, and administrators. Whether it’s a simple question about navigating Cambridge or a serious issue that you would like us to confront, we would love to help. We hope that students will feel comfortable calling us, emailing us, posting comments on our blog, or even just stopping us in the hallways to chat.

This year, we have an outstanding Board of Directors. Along with Vice President Albert Wu and Treasurer Pablo Ros, we welcome Alex Burkhardt as the Director of Student Engagement, Skyler Cho as the Director of Internal Affairs, Jeremy Glapion as the Director of Faculty Engagement, Jessica Tiller as the Director of Academic Affairs, Marissa Ronk as the Director of Student Organizations, and TamaraWyche and Lina Jun as the Co-Directors of Events. We are all equally accessible, so please feel free to speak with any one of us if you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns that you’d like us to address.

Harvard Law School will always be intellectually stimulating, but the year ahead will also be fun. Student Government will host two large charity events with causes chosen by the student body and regular pub nights at Queens Head. We will be tabling in the Hark twice a month to hear suggestions directly from the students. And as always, we’ll be hosting a variety of additional events, such as the Student-Faculty Lunch Program.

In short, Student Government is excited to work hard on serious academic and institutional concerns while also planning enjoyable programs for the student body. So good luck with the upcoming year; we look forward to meeting you!


Jennifer Dein

Student Government, President