West Coast, Best Coast

West Coast Best Coast, ‘nough said.

The Texas Club has attempted to wage a rivalry on the West Coast Club through email and social media puffery. Our response: that’s cute.

They are desperately trying to convince students to move to the Lone Star state. After all, Texans are leaving and joining California in droves. But you can see through their propaganda. You didn’t need to be swayed by an ad to come to Harvard Law School, and you don’t need one to move out to the West Coast either. We’re just here to remind you of what the West Coast has to offer.

Select examples of Texas Club Propaganda

Officers of the Texas Club routinely spout propaganda about the West Coast with a pro-Texan flare.

The weather, food, culture, lifestyle, people, economy – you name it, we got it. Weather out west is the definition of perfect. Up and down the coast, say goodbye to humidity, undue heat, and cold dead winters. Do you want to drip sweat on your walk to the office in routine 100°F+ 90% humidity Houston summers? We didn’t either!

The West Coast has terrain for everyone. Want to find a hidden beach in Malibu and catch some waves? Check. Ski or snowboard? Crystal Mountain or Lake Tahoe are waiting. How about a romantic hike with your significant other? Crown Point, Oregon and Muir Woods got your back. Oh yeah, have we mentioned Yosemite, Big Bear, and Sequoia National Park?

We have In-N-Out, and it is certainly better than Whataburger.

Forget TexMex, we have real Mexican food. Ever been to K-Town? Even Koreans from Seoul say it’s better than back home. Sushi from the Pacific never tasted so good. And we know what you’re thinking: Texas has BBQ, there’s no way the West can beat that. Well, you ever heard of Tri-tip? West Coasters reading this know what’s up (plus, Texans escape their own state all the time to open authentic BBQ shops all along the west coast).

The West Coast is where industry of the future is created. Think Google, Amazon, Disney, Uber, Apple, Waymo, Tesla, SpaceX, Microsoft, and Facebook, amongst many, many others. California is the sixth largest economy on the planet Earth, and leads the nation in growth in its gross domestic product. The hottest legal work comes out of the West Coast: Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox, Amazon’s upturning of the retail industry, Broadcom’s acquisition offer to Qualcomm. The bleeding edge of the legal industry is nestled right in the West Coast – we can’t tell the future, but we’re confident that the most interesting and innovative legal work stems from the most interesting and innovative companies. Speaking of interesting and innovative legal work, we hear that Texas has a lot of oil work. That’s super cool, we’d love to learn about how to become a lawyer in an increasingly obsolete energy sector. If you want to be a leader for the future, the West Coast is where it’s all happening. West Coast legislatures routinely pioneer government initiatives and programs that other states and the federal government copy later. It all starts out west.

The West Coast is one of the most diverse regions in the country. Five out of the six current Justices on the California Supreme Court are people of color. Three are women. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, the possibilities available to you up and down the coast are limitless.

To make your journey to the West Coast easier, the Harvard West Coast LSA is here to help. Though only a year old, we are working tirelessly to bring the West Coast to HLS, and to bring HLS to the West Coast.

This past January, we hosted a full-scale career fair with fourteen top-name employers from everywhere between LA and Seattle and more than 150 attendees. Throughout the year, we invite law firms and public sector attorneys to speak to our members about the West Coast legal market. We throw happy hours. Weekly club lunches. NBA basketball games. World Series watch parties. A Winter Retreat. And we are known to give the best lunch talks on campus—the best food (in abundance) and the best presentations. They don’t say West Coast Best Coast for no reason.

All jokes aside, if you have family in Texas, we understand if you want to go back. Texas is a great state, and we hope that it will continue to grow into a diverse, inclusive, and flourishing community. But if you’re not willing to wait, come join us! Just grab one of our officers rocking our club Patagonia pullovers around WCC and we’ll get you started — see ya soon!

West Coast Best Coast!