Journal on Legislation Brings Gun Policy Discussion to Harvard Law School


The Harvard Journal on Legislation’s 2015 Symposium, “Firearms in America: Safety and Liberty,” took place on campus February 10 and 11. The event brought together leaders on both sides of the matter to debate issues surrounding gun policy in the United States.

“As members of the HLS community, it is important for students, faculty, and everyone else to have the opportunity to engage in challenging discussions about issues that are significant not only to our community but to others throughout the nation,” said Kellen Wittkop, who chaired the JOL Symposium with 2L Colin Ross. “This event is one of those opportunities, and the Journal on Legislation is dedicated to providing a forum for the community to hear different perspectives on the issue of firearm policy while being able to ask questions of individuals working in this policy area.”

Wednesday’s panel, “Grappling with Crime and Mass Shootings in Today’s Gun Landscape,” focused on recent gun crimes across diverse geographic locations. Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department Garry McCarthy, alongside Professors David Kopel of Denver Law and Joseph Blocher of Duke Law, discussed from various perspectives the role of gun control in responding to violent crime.

JOL’s annual symposium concluded with a keynote address presented by Lonnie and Sandy Phillips, who lost their 24-year-old daughter, Jessica Ghawi, in the Aurora movie-theater shooting in July 2012. Since the attack, the Phillips have advocated for more stringent gun control, in particular they have lobbied for universal background checks when purchasing guns. Dean Martha Minow gave opening remarks and HLS Professor Alex Whiting moderated.

Another panel, “The State of American Gun Law and Policy,” was scheduled for Tuesday but was cancelled due to the snowstorms across Boston and Cambridge. It was set to feature New Hampshire State Representative John Burt, Elizabeth Burke from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Stephen Halbrook, an attorney who has successfully defended Second Amendment rights before the Supreme Court, and Robert Luther, law clerk for Judge Daniel Manion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Wittkop hopes that the week’s events, co-sponsored with the Federalist Society and American Constitution Society, ignite further discussions, both within the HLS community and beyond.

“These types of discussions are essential to continuing progress and successful policy, and we strive to create a space where students can participate effectively in the discussion with scholars, legislators, advocates, attorneys, and others who are doing great work in this area.”


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