In your most recent edition, Taylor Dasher wrote an excellent article concerning the challenges that many HLS students have in trying to have pure fun in the Cambridge area. Taylor points out that the weather is often cold, the punks in Harvard Square are often scary, and the pubs often close early, and the rents are incredibly high.
I cannot disagree with these fine points, and I commend the fine writing style of Taylor. This is a future attorney who blessedly doesn’t write like one; and who I hope, keeps their creative writing style and their sense of humor. Still, let me respectfully disagree with Taylor’s point of view, by offering 10 great things to do in (and around) Cambridge:
1) Head of the Charles rowing race. Be there, be drunk, have fun. It is a great event for everyone. 2) Harvard Hockey Games. Great location, great price, very fun, awesome team.3) Walking on Brattle Street, and then walking through Mt. Auborn Cemetery. Graves that are 500 years old, and bodies still in them. Very nice, very quiet, very pretty.4) Taking the T to Boston. While the night life in Cambridge is slow, the night life in Boston is excellent. The T brings it to you cheaply. No drunk driving. Very nice.5) Not waking up alone, it is very over-rated. People sing songs about making mistakes with strangers. Go make some mistakes.6) The history of New England. The bricks, the cobblestones, the places, the battles…it just speaks to you.7) Walking through Harvard Yard, over to Austin Hall, and looking at the tortured faces of previous HLS students, who, like victims of Freddy Krueger, are now engraved forever in Austin’s outer walls. You too will be there, after working at a large law firm.8) Checking out the mountains 2 hours to the North. Go for the outdoors!9) Checking out the mansions at Newport Rhode Island, no taxes then, no ethics either, great houses…10) Remembering that you Taylor are great, better than your teachers, better than the HLS staff. Don’t ever forget that.
Fair Winds and Following Seas,
Charles FacktorHLS Class of 1990