Minow Tapped as Next Dean



Dean-designate Martha Minow, center, spoke at the Harvard Law Review’s Spring semester forum to discuss Prof. Tribe’s book, The Invisible Constitution

Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust announced to the HLS community on June 11 that Jeremiah Smith Jr. Professor of Law Martha Minow had been selected as the next Dean of the Law School. A professor at HLS since 1981, the selection of Minow continues the tradition of selecting the Dean from among the members of the Law School’s faculty. As a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education and recipient of the Sacks-Freund medal for teaching excellence, Minow is likely to continue Dean Kagan’s efforts to improve the law student experience and recruit professors that are recognized for their teaching skills. Minow will become the twelfth Dean of HLS and second woman to hold that title on July 1, 2009.

In her press release announcing the appointment, Faust praised both Dean-designate Minow and Acting Dean Howell E. Jackson ’82 for their excellent service to HLS and the Harvard community. She also expressed gratitude toward Elena Kagan ’86 for the “transformative positive impact” of her deanship.

An event will be held early in the 2009-2010 academic year to celebrate the selection of Dean Minow.


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